40 Fishermen’s Memorial

40 Fishermen’s Memorial

Special Information“In the winter of 1729 a group of 46 fishermen (probably guild members) headed for the frozen Balaton before the shores of Vonyarc in order to catch fish with their fishing tools by cutting a hole in the ice. A strong wind arose, broke the slabs of ice, 6 fishermen drowned in the icy water.”PALACZKI, Ferenc. The History of the Saint Michael Hill and Chapel.

The legend of 40 fishermen of Balaton is connected with the Saint Michael Chapel built on the remnants of a mediaeval castle on the dolomite hill that offers an amusing panorama.

There is a memorial place near the chapel, where You can also see the ceramic of NÉMETH János representing the fishermen’s survival from certain death. One of the altarpieces was stolen in 1964. Afterwards the survival was repainted by UDVARDI Erzsébet.

Pictures from the 40 Fishermen’s Memorial
