Location: Deák Square, Festetics Square, Hévíz
28th April
4:00 pm Downtown | Peacetimes’ costume parade Meeting point: in front of the Tourinform Office
in Hévíz (Rákóczi st. 2.)
Route: Rákóczi st. – Festetics square – Dr. Schulhof Vilmos promenade – Deák square
With: Happy Dixieland Band and the dancers of Happy Jazz Dance
7:00 pm Deák square | ‘Those happy peacetimes’ – Happy Dixieland Band
and Andrea Malek’s CD debut
29th April
7:00 pm Deák square | Variety show
30th April
7:00 pm Deák square | Charlie
and Abrakazabra band’s concert
1st May
7:00 pm Deák square | Budapest Ragtime Band’s concert