Indications, counter-indications

Indications, counter-indications

General information:

Lake size: 4.4 hectares Deepest point: 38 m Water depth on 2/3 of the lake: 1.5 to 2 metres Water temperature in summer: 34 to 36 oC Water temperature in winter: 24 to 28 oC Water flow: 410 l / second The water of the lake is exchanged in 3.5 days. The lake-basin is covered in 7 metres thick peat. Biologically active Cafeterias are available within the territory of the thermal lake Parking facilities nearby Open all year round

Interesting facts

Recommended bathing time is 30 minutes if otherwise not ordered by a physician. It is also recommended as a drinking cure for chronic catarrhal gastritis, bowel hives and digestive disorders.

Treatments result not only in occasional improvement, but they prevent the recurrence of pain for several months.


  • All degenerative wear and calcification types of rheumatic locomotor diseases (arthritis, vertebra-, tendon system-, small article and vertebral disk disorders- spondylosis, spondylartrosis, discopathia).
  • Inflammatory articular and spinal diseases in resting phase (arthritis, poliarthritis, e.g. PCP, spondylarthritis, e.g.: Bechterew disease). Rheumatic diseases if the virulent period is over. Symptoms of chronic articular diseases can be effectively mitigated. Rheumatic disorders of the conjunctive tissue (muscular and tendon disorders).
  • Secondary articular diseases, articular diseases associated with metabolic disturbances (E.g. arthritis)
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Arthritis associated with skin diseases (E.g. articular disorders and spinal changes associated with e.g. psoriasis).
  • Condition after broken bone, accidental injuries, locomotor operations (mainly broken limbs) in a stadium suitable for rehabilitation.
  • Chronic disorders affecting the peripheral nerve system, mainly due to mechanical impact (E.g. ischialgia, polyneuropathia and paresis).
  • Pre-and post treatment of articular operations, post treatment of vertebral disk operation (discus hernia).
  • Chronic gynaecological diseases.


  • Malignant tumours (surgical or medical treatment stages).
  • Cardiac decompensation and cardiovascular disturbances, vascular diseases, high blood pressure (if it cannot be set at the required level and/or if it causes organic complaints), severe arteriosclerosis, coronary artery-sclerosis, after a heart attack (if it not recommended by the physician), severe varicose veins (phlebothrombosis).
  • All acute inflammatory diseases (vein inflammation, active stage of arthritis).
  • Leukaemia, anaemia, haemophilia.
  • Pulmonary asthma, if patient suffers from frequent attacks.
  • Fainting/Syncope (Epilepsy, Adams-Stokes syndrome).
  • Chronic alcoholism, severe interstitial hepatitis.
  • Wet eczema, extensive wounds.
  • Thyroid hyperactivity accompanied with organic disorders (hyperthyreosis), non-treated diabetes, severe weight loss and/or gain.
  • First six weeks after therapeutic X-ray treatment.
  • Pregnancy.